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Purple Bubbles

A Little About Me

 My name is Jannelle Althea, and I am an intuitive artist and spiritual life coach who has the ability to tap into the energy of the universe so that I can help open up energy and intuition in others. I create unique custom pieces of art connected to my client's energy and the energies that surround them. 


Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a deep connection to God. My belief in the Holy Ghost opened a doorway which gave me the power to better understand the world around me. This did not come without challenges, however. Throughout my life I have been through several traumatic events. As I got older, I learned from my life experiences which ultimately strengthened my faith and increased my own intuition. For the light is not truly known without going through the darkness first. 


Other than title of spiritual warrior and artist, I also claim the titles of mother, caregiver, and widow. I am the mother of five boys whose father, whom I was married to for 16 years, passed away December 2021 which also left me the sole caregiver of my adult disabled sister. 


I run my life with compassion and understanding that life is hard sometimes, but we must take the time to find joy in the little things in order to persevere. Our perspective is everything and a smile can change your entire day. You're here for a reason so you might as well make the best of it while you figure out the details. â€‹


Through everything I have gone through I realized the sheer vast truth of the universe and widely accept any and all viewpoints of others, because after all, anything and everything is possible.

The Beginning 

God, The Universe, Source, whatever you choose to call it has worked many miracles into my life that I couldn't be more thankful for. My spiritual gifts began as a plea of desperation and continued to form as I learned how to self-regulate and heal from traumas as well as severe PTSD. My life experiences gave me increased anxiety but through persistent self-care and spiritual practices I learned how to work through and heal while tapping into my God-given gifts. Of course, we're all a work in progress always, but the progression that I have made has given me the strength to be able to help others tap into their own spiritual gifts. 


Jannelle. Braids. Bandana.jpg


Formed by trauma and faith, I have unlocked my own personal connection to the divine and have been given a way to teach what I have learned. During my sessions, you will begin to trust your own divine connection more to help further guide you throughout this journey called life. During my intuitive painting sessions, I combine my increased spiritual connection with my intuitive paintings. As an intuitive artist, I tap into the energy of the universe to create unique pieces of art which are personally connected to my clients.



My art is like the clouds in that you may not always see what your friend next to you sees but that is what makes it fun. People have pointed out "mythical" creatures, animals, people, and objects within my paintings. My channeled paintings can be interpreted many different ways and are completely abstract.  Custom pieces are formed when I connect to an individual and/or their loved ones. As I paint, the brush flows on its own. The colors choose themselves and the picture comes to life. After your session, I will send you a short video of what I see within your painting and how I think it relates to what we discussed during your session. 


Life Coaching With a Spiritual and Artistic Twist


Coaching Sessions 

My one-on-one coaching sessions offer an increased sense of clarity and peace. All sessions are catered to each individual client, however, I specialize in releasing trauma through energy work and helping my clients learn how to align their chakras. 


Intuitive Art Session 

If coaching sessions and custom energy paintings had a child then this would be it. Here you get the best of both worlds as I connect with you on a deep spiritual level. During our session you will dive deep into yourself discovering who it is you are and who you want to be while I am tapping into your essence putting it down on canvas.


Custom Energy Painting

Always abstract, my custom energy paintings showcase the colors that make up the energy that has surrounded you throughout the cosmos. Just like my Intuitive Art Session, I will connect with your energy to create a custom painting depicting you as colors on canvas.

Book A Session

Holly, Connecticut

With Jannelle, I finally was able to feel these physical sensations that I’ve only been able to read about. I told Jannelle, “So this is what everyone has been talking about!” She truly has a natural talent.

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